Shipping status: Estimated delivery May 2022
How does it work?
You have received / will receive / have been going to receive an email from Gamefound asking you to enter your details (or login if you already have an account). I've done what I can to pre-fill your cart with what you pledged on the Kickstarter but I suspect the add-ons (Box of Trees, Language add-ons) didn't work. I can't tell though as once I imported the cart I no longer can see what was imported.
Either way, you will have the credit in your account to add those items.
Once done you will need to fill in your shipping details, pay for shipping, and then you can sit back and enjoy the XMAS period.
Here are a few common questions that may come up:
Print and Play?
I didn't put the print and play items on the pledge manager. There is no shipping to collect. If you're a print and play backer and want access to the pledge manager, let me know and I'll make it happen. I'm looking to send out print and play access at the end of the month.
No invite?
If you have not received your invitation, then please:
1) Make sure you are looking at the correct inbox, your invite will be sent to the email your Kickstarter account is registered to at the time that I exported the email addresses. If it has changed recently, let me know so I can verify.
2) Check your spam and junk folders for emails from Gamefound.
3) Once you have done the above if you are still stuck, please direct message me on Kickstarter and I will help you.
No credit?
If you have clicked the link, gone to Gamefound, and you don't see your credits then the reason is likely because you are logged into Gamefound using the wrong email.
1) Log out of Gamefound.
2) Log in (or register) to Gamefound using the email your Kickstarter account is registered under.
If you still see no credit, direct message me and I'll investigate.
Local Pickup?
The previous Kickstarter had an option where backers could collect their game direct from me in Melbourne. I didn't offer it this time and but it was discussed in the comments of this Kickstarter and I would see what I could do. Aside from forgetting, I never worked out how to make Gamefound do this, so I've been talked to backers directly.
If you're in Melbourne and want to pick up the game from postcode 3028 (weekdays) or the CBD (specific weekends once the games have arrived), send me a DM and I'll remove you from Gamefound. If you've processed your shipping already, let me know and I'll refunded it.
Closing date?
The final closing date will be approximately 1 month before fulfilment happens. However, items will be removed from the pledge manager as they go out of stock.
If you have already selected items in Kickstarter, then those items are guaranteed. In other words, I will not run out of stock on items you have already selected.
If you plan to add extra items, backed create your own, or are a $1 backer, then it will be a case of first come first served.
I do not anticipate anything going out of stock within the first few weeks, but if you wait too long to fill in the pledge manager then some items may disappear.
As a general request I would ask anyone who can, to fill in the pledge manager as soon as possible as it makes everyone's life much easier.
Next update?
Now the pledge manager is live there wont be much to discuss for a while, I'll be working through signing off samples from the factory. I'll be looking to get the first wave of print and play files out before the end of the month. If you backed print and play, you'll get those first. Backers who backed the physical games, also get print and play access, but only after you've finalised your account through Gamefound. Otherwise the next update will be in January and will cover how are going with the printing.
Until next time...
I hope you all have a great xmas period. I will be heading interstate to see family, play some board games and may be even a round of golf.